COVID-19 Video Production Safety Guidelines

We strictly abide by the Motion Picture COVID-19 Safety Requirements–aligned with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries. While we believe these guidelines are strong and comprehensive, due to the dynamic nature of the pandemic, they are by no means complete. If you have any other best practices you believe should be included here, please email us at

Chef Kristi Brown > That Brown Girl Cooks

Chef Kristi Brown > That Brown Girl Cooks

1 > A COVID-19 symptom survey will be sent out 48hrs before any production and is required to be filled out by all parties before arriving on set.

2 > Equipment is disinfected before and after all video & photo shoots.

3 > Self-temperature check-ins are required by all persons entering a production location(s).

4 > A minimum distance of 6ft is maintained between crew and client(s)/talent at all times.

5 > Protective masks are warn by crew members and client(s) at all times unless performing/talking in front of camera.

6 > Crew members have personal disinfectant on their person at all times and use liberally throughout the day–both on hands and equipment.

7 > All camera angles will be set at a minimum of 6 feet, marked out by bright tape on the ground during interviews. Camera operators will use telephoto lenses when closer shots are required.

8 > All audio will be captured with a shotgun mic and long overhead boom pole. (On-person mics and lavaliers are restricted)

9 > All crew members drive in their own vehicles to and from all locations.

10 > There will never be more than 3 crew members on set at the same time. We encourage client(s) to keep small teams on set as well, when possible.

Updated 1/10/21